The Vermilion Cliffs National Monument is home to the Condor Viewing Area. This designated viewing site provides a unique opportunity for the public to observe the California condor, the largest flying bird in North America, in its natural setting.
The Vermilion Cliffs National Monument is in northern Arizona, on the Colorado Plateau.
It’s a large, untouched area of 280,000 acres that includes the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness. The elevation ranges from 3,100 to 7,100 feet above sea level.
It serves as a critical habitat for the condors.

These big birds were almost gone forever, but now they’re saved from extinction due to biologists working together to bring them back to this area.
Biologists and volunteers often put tracking collars on the birds to keep an eye on them. They usually have scopes and binoculars with them at the viewing spot to help you see the condors better.
What are Condors?

Condors are huge vultures that scavenge for the carcasses of dead animals for food. As vultures, they do not kill animals themselves, but rely on existing carcasses for their meals. They are important for the environment because they help clean up dead matter.
The birds here are the California condor, which is a species of vultures found in North America.
Since 1996, the collaborative efforts of the BLM and The Peregrine Fund have been pivotal in the conservation of the California condor, particularly from the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument.
This partnership has seen the condor population grow from a critical low of 22 in 1982 to over 200 living in the wild today. Condors now live in Arizona, Utah, California, and Mexico.

Condors are regularly released into the wild from a large pen atop the Vermilion Cliffs, allowing the population to thrive in northern Arizona and southern Utah.
As of May 2022, 113 California Condors live in this area. canyon country, contributing to the success story of their species.

When to Visit
The best times to visit the Vermilion Cliffs Condor Viewing Site are during the winter and early spring. During these seasons, visitors have a high chance of seeing the majestic California condors.
For the best viewing experience, come early in the day, from dawn until mid-morning. This is when these large birds are most active, making it an ideal time to witness them soaring overhead.
You can find many condors resting on top of the Vermilion Cliffs. Look for the white droppings on the cliffs to know where they are. From the viewing site, you can see the big, red cliffs without anything blocking your view, where the condors make their homes and sleep.
What to Bring
To really see the condors, bring good binoculars, a spotting scope, and a camera with high zooming capabilities.

While there may be biologists or volunteers at the site when you visit, they are not always there.
The Vermilion Cliffs Condor View Site is just north of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It is easily accessible from Kanub, Utah or Page, Arizona.

The Condor Viewing Site is about 30 miles from the Navajo Bridge at the entrance to the Lees Ferry area on US 89A. It is located about a mile down the BLM 1065 gravel road off of US 89A south of the Lees Ferry campground area.
As a landmark, turn onto the BLM 1065 road when you see the house below on US 89A.

A regular passenger car can make it down the dirt road from US 89A to the site. However, a high-clearance vehicle is recommended if you go any further down the road.
There is a large gravel parking lot available. RVs can park here without any issues.
Admission Fees
There is no admission fee to visit the Vermilion Cliffs Condor Viewing Site.
Condor View Site Facilities
There are limited facilities at the viewing site. A vault toilet is available.

There is also a viewfinder, but it may not always be operational. Bring your own binoculars and/or scope to be sure you can see the condors up on the cliffs.

There is also a covered picnic table area, so feel free to bring food to hang out for a while.
Final Thoughts
If you’re interested in wildlife conservation, you’ll love this experience. These massive birds are amazing to see in person.
Enjoy your time at the Vermilion Cliffs Condor View Site!